Form2Agent AI – FM toolkit for rapid AI transformation of existing applications

Prompt Engineering
Voice Recognition
Context-Aware Replies
Open Source AI
Chat GPT-4o
In use
In use
In use
.NET Core
Front End
Microsoft SQL Server
Case Summary
Form2Agent AI is a transformative voice-assisted solution designed to enhance interactions with web applications. By integrating AI technologies, it enables hands-free operation, automated form-filling, searching and filtering, significantly improving efficiency, accuracy, and user experience.
Discover more about Form2Agent AI and its capabilities by visiting: Form2Agent AI Website.
Hands-free operation
Users can interact with forms, content, search, and filters using voice commands, reducing the need for manual data entry. A hands-free experience is provided through simple voice input, with live transcription and text-to-speech features enabling interaction in a human-like manner under any conditions.
Flexible input options
Form2Agent AI enhances accessibility for all users, supporting diverse input methods such as text, audio, and file uploading. This flexibility allows multiple use patterns suitable for all use cases.
Multi-language support
Offers real-time translation and error correction in multiple languages using state-of-the-art technology to ensure the most accurate results possible by today’s standards.
Seamless AI integration
Form2Agent AI is developed to support the microservice architecture, which completely nullifies issues regarding chosen technological stack. All it requires for integration is REST API handling.
Form2Agent AI for iOS
Form2Agent AI integrates seamlessly into an iOS application via WebView. Utilizing iOS Shortcuts and Siri allows the launch of specific Form2Agent AI workflows with voice commands, enabling a hands-free approach. This simplifies complex tasks with ease and precision, all within the mobile ecosystem.
Technical explanation of the main features
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How does it work?
Interacting with the AI chatbot (text, voice, file upload)
Users initiate interactions with Form2Agent AI via text, voice, or by uploading files. The AI chatbot is equipped to handle various input methods, making it accessible and user-friendly.
Data processing & audio
A separate AI model transcribes user speech. After that, the AI assistant processes and extracts relevant information from text or uploaded files, Lastly, AI generates a realistic spoken response.
Automated form filling
Using the processed data AI assistant interacts with the application on users’ behalf, e.g. filling in web forms. . This automation not only speeds up the process but also ensures that the information entered is accurate and consistent.
Main challenges
Estimate the project
Voice recognition and transcription
Form2Agent AI uses advanced technologies and smart algorithms to accurately capture and convert spoken language into text. The system is designed to handle various languages, accents, and dialects, ensuring high accuracy even in challenging acoustic conditions. This capability allows users to interact with forms hands-free anywhere, enhancing accessibility and convenience.
Smart algorithms
Context-aware answers
Form2Agent AI leverages the power of Large Language Models to deliver context-aware answers. We also allow for additional customizations to further tailor the experience. The latest OpenAI ChatGPT is used by default but can be easily swapped with the LLM of your choice.
Avoiding GPT hallucinations
We aimed for precise and consistent form filling based on the user input. To achieve this, we relied on several prompt engineering techniques. This approach led to an improvement in form-filling accuracy.
No hallucinations
Speech synthesis/speech responses
Traditional text-to-speech (TTS) systems often produce robotic and unnatural-sounding speech, which can detract from user experience and hinder effective communication. In Form2Agent we use OpenAI TTS-HD API to achieve a balance between natural intonation, clarity, and responsiveness.
Language barriers
Form2Agent AI leverages advanced OpenAI technologies to provide robust multilingual support and accurate language translation capabilities. These models are trained on vast datasets, allowing them to handle complex linguistic nuances and context, ensuring that translations are both accurate and contextually appropriate.
Open sourcing Form2Agent AI
Open source
Form2Agent AI is now open-source, with core technologies and frameworks available to the public.
View on GitHub
Use Cases
Fintech companies
Healthtech companies
Help desks
E-commerce industry
Food-tech industry
Recruitment and HR
Software development
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