
Power your business with AI

Get more from your products with AI. Boost value, enhance features, and stay ahead of the competition.
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Our services
AI consulting
Not sure how to implement AI? We'll advise on "what" AI software fits your needs and "how" to design and engineer it.
MVP of AI-based product
Leveraging AI, we build robust MVPs tailored to your product's specific needs, allowing for efficient testing, validation, and adaptive refinement of crucial features.
AI enhancement of existing products
We improve existing software with intelligent AI enhancements, maximizing the value of your offerings.
Our AI solutions
Contact us
Natural language processing (NLP)
Enhance your project efficiency with our natural language processing development service which offers context-aware search, information summarization, and intuitive data querying in natural language.
Computer vision software development
Leverage our computer vision expertise with seamless API integrations, enabling the creation of unique images, videos, or 3D models.
Recommendation systems
We design our recommendation systems to assess user behavior and choices, generating personalized, impactful suggestions to enhance user engagement.
Prompt engineering
Our team is committed to providing prompt engineering services, creating optimal query schemes for large language models that cut down on prompt costs and response time.
AI chatbot development
We incorporate ChatGPT capabilities in our chatbot development, focusing on enhancing business operations and delivering exceptional customer experiences.
Hands-free solutions
Our hands-free solutions offer OCR and voice recognition integration. Experience text conversions from both images and speech, boosting productivity and eliminating manual processing roadblocks.
More of limitless possibilities of AI
Curious how AI can boost your business? Dive into its infinite potential and diverse applications across various sectors. Connect with our team to learn how AI can enhance your project.
Consult our AI experts
  • Medical diagnosis based on a patient’s symptoms, medical examinations results and historical health records
  • Virtual assistants for patient record management
  • Virtual nursing assistants and post-treatment care
  • Risk modeling of financial markets
  • Fraud detection
  • Credit scoring
  • Personalized banking (AI can tailor financial services to individual customer patterns)
  • Data-entry procedures in workflow processes for credit application
  • Hyper-personalized content and recommendations based on very specific customer objectives
  • Inventory management, price optimization, demand forecasting based on predictive analytics
  • Customer service and sales assistant AI chatbots
Marketing & Sales
  • Marketing campaign planning based on the content, target budget and audience
  • Marketing predictive analytics tool (forecasting conversions)
  • Customer micro-segmentation
  • Personalized marketing campaigns for different target groups
  • Adaptive learning: tailored educational content based on a student’s learning style, age, knowledge level and progress
  • Automated grading systems and feedback
  • AI-driven career counseling
HR & Recruitment
  • Candidate screening: simulate the ideal candidate profile for a given job based on job requirements and past successful hires
  • Interview preparation (mock interview scenarios)
  • Personalized training programs
  • Automated personalised responses for job applicants
AI tech stack
Chat GPT
Google Bard
OpenAI's Embeddings
Azure Devops API
AWS Image Rekognition
AWS Transcribe

Frequently asked questions

Haven't found the answers to your questions?
Let's talk
How to apply AI in web development?
With the rapid development of AI, the answer to this question changes every day, but it can be split into ‘how’ and ‘what’. We use AI-based tools to speed up the way we design and develop applications (using AI-enabled code assistants and design tools), and it also allows us to expand what web applications can do (see example cases).
What is the difference between AI projects and normal ones?
With the advent of AI, especially large language models, we have got access to a gigantic factual database about almost everything in the world. That database can be queried in a natural language, understands the context, can combine facts, is capable of rudimentary reasoning, and is able to return answers in a structured form (e.g. JSON or XML). That opens up a completely new set of opportunities of what’s possible but requires a new set of skills, i.e. how to ask the right questions to get desired answers in the right format (so-called “prompt engineering”). Because large language models capture the state of the world from the past (September of 2021 in the case of ChatGPT), these answers need to be combined with the knowledge from specific up-to-date data sources. Of course, traditional mobile and web application development skills are even more required to present the results in interesting ways (see our case of application).
How does ChatGPT integration benefit my business?
Integrating AI in your business allows you to achieve several benefits:
  • Make your IT systems understand the world much better.
  • Introduce the element of creativity and reasoning, i.e. it can allow them to achieve results that were not possible with traditional methods.
  • Make interaction with them much more human-like.
Can the API Platform be used with protected health information?
In a simple scenario, ChatGPT stores the content of the prompts for up to 30 days for business purposes, so one should not directly use protected information in the prompts. There are however ways to make it secure:
  • All personally identifiable information could be encoded before including it in the prompt and decoded back upon receiving the answer.
  • It is now possible to have a private, dedicated instance of a large language model dedicated to and restricted only to your business/institution. Such instances of ChatGPT or similar large language models can be provided by OpenAI or nowadays by any major cloud provider (Microsoft, Google or Amazon).
  • Freeport Metrics can also help you create your own, dedicated instance of AI in the cloud relying on carefully selected state-of-the-art open-source large language models comparable to ChatGPT (i.e. Llama2).
  • Moreover, according to Open AI data policy, organizations are able to sign BAA in support of customers’ compliance with the HIPAA.
Is the data shared with ChatGPT secure?
OpenAI's API conscientiously safeguards data privacy with robust security protocols designed to shield all data processed via its interface. While utilizing the ChatGPT Enterprise, access to conversation histories is exclusively reserved for organization-end users. OpenAI personnel are only authorized to interact with the organization’s data if incident resolution is necessary, explicit consent is offered for recovering user conversations, or as mandated by legal requirements.

In terms of data retention, ChatGPT's privacy policy states that ChatGPT Enterprise retains data securely, enabling features like conversation history. Organizations dictate retention durations, while deleted conversations are diligently eradicated from OpenAI systems within a 30-day timeframe.
How accurate and reliable are the responses from ChatGPT?
One needs to be extra cautious and not use the responses from ChatGPT directly without double-checking, especially in high-stakes scenarios. The correct approach to maximize quality of responses and reduce so-called ‘hallucinations’ is a combination of:
  • Relying on additional information from the ‘source-of-truth’ documents, using embeddings (see our AI Business Analyst example).
  • Careful prompt engineering that can vastly improve the quality of responses.
  • Using the right parameters when prompting (i.e. reducing the value of temperature).
Can I customize the responses generated by ChatGPT?
Yes, that can be achieved in many ways. The two most important ones are:
  • Using ChatGPT itself - one can carefully craft the prompt in such a way that it returns the answer in the desired format to start with - be it an XVII century sonnet or a JSON file.
  • Once you made ChatGPT to provide the answer in the desired structured format it’s up to the ingenuity of your UX/UI designers and developers to present the response in a meaningful and visually appealing way.
How long does it take to integrate ChatGPT into my existing system?
In simple cases, it can take as little as 2-4 weeks. Please contact us to discuss the details of your specific case.
How much would it cost to maintain AI application?
There are many options, but assuming the solution will be using currently the most popular AI model - ChatGPT, the cost would be as follows:

ChatGPT operates on a token-based pricing system, where each conversation's cost is derived from the quantity of tokens used. A single token roughly counts as 0.75 words. Current rates per 1,000 tokens are:
  • GPT-3.5 Turbo (4K context): $0.0015 (input) and $0.002 (output).
  • GPT-4 (8K context): $0.03 (input) and $0.06 (output).
To obtain specifics about GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 pricing, kindly refer to the following link.

For an illustration, let's assume a monthly usage of 10,000 interactions with each using approximately 1,000 words for both input and output. The corresponding cost impact would be:
  • GPT-3.5 Turbo: Approx $23,33 per month.
  • GPT-4: Approx $600 per month.
Please note, these are approximate costs and can vary based on actual usage.
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to learn about other possibilities.
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