Legacy systems modernization

Seize the moment to modernize your technology landscape, transforming current challenges into opportunities for growth.
It's time to shift focus from maintaining the past to building an adaptable future through secure and scalable software.
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What’s legacy systems modernization?
Legacy systems modernization involves updating outdated or inefficient technology systems to enhance their functionality, speed to market, performance, security, and scalability. This often entails migrating legacy applications to newer platforms or technologies, optimizing existing systems, and adopting cloud-based solutions. By modernizing your technology  , you can better adapt to changing business needs, reduce costs, and improve customer experiences.
Goal of legacy systems modernization
Legacy systems modernization aims to position your organization for long-term success by equipping it with a modern, efficient, and secure technology infrastructure.
Expected outcomes
Improved overall efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of your organization through:
  • Reduced costs and their shift from non-discretionary to discretionary
  • Improved agility and decreased time-to-market
  • Enhanced customer experience
  • Enhanced systems performance
  • Increased security and compliance
Who is this service for?
This service is for companies and organizations whose development and modernization plans are being hijacked by problems incurred by legacy systems , e.g.: high maintenance and licensing costs, difficulty finding scarce skills, long time-to-market, security risks, insufficient performance and scalability and others.

What are the benefits of legacy systems modernization?

Improve customer experience
Modern UI/UX makes interactions enjoyable and efficient, leading to happier customers.
We offer a collaborative UX modernization service, starting with UX audits, informative market research, adaptive human-centred design, and efficient UI prototypes. Our API design accommodates legacy back-ends to support your project's user experience.
Adapt to changing business needs
Necessity to maintain your legacy systems draws your focus, time and resources away from innovation and binds them in the past.
We transform these issues into robust, scalable solutions. Our holistic approach starts with security and UX audits, effective buy vs. build selection, cloud migration and includes rebuilding applications with modern UX/UI and on modern future-proof tech stack.
Focus on what matters
While modernizing your technology landscape we will help you identify the features that really differentiate you from the competition. They give you the competitive advantage and bring the real value that your users seek.
We will run the modernization in a way that focuses on these features allowing you to cost-effectively crank-up your  competitiveness.

Tech stack

We have a comprehensive tech stack and choose the most suitable solutions tailored to your project's needs. See some of the technologies we work with.
C# / .NET Core
SQL Server
Postgre SQL

Our process from start to finish

We guide your project from its initial concept through to successful launch and beyond.
Estimate project
Assessment and discovery
Gather detailed information about the your business objectives, pain points, and desired outcomes. Conduct a thorough assessment of the your existing technology landscape, identifying outdated systems, inefficiencies, and potential risks.
Business case development
Develop a comprehensive business case that justifies the technology modernization project. Analyze potential benefits, including cost savings, improved efficiency, enhanced security, and increased customer satisfaction. Quantify expected return on investment (ROI) and present the case.
Discovery and definition
Conduct a detailed analysis of the identified pain points, gathering insights into their root causes, impact on business operations, and potential solutions. Develop innovative solution concepts that address the identified pain points and align with the desired outcomes. Leverage industry best practices, emerging technologies, and FM's expertise to design solutions that are tailored to the your specific needs.
Solution architecture and design
Design a target technology architecture that aligns with your business goals and addresses identified pain points considering factors such as scalability, performance, security, and integration with existing systems.
Implementation and migration
Implement new solutions, ensuring seamless integration and minimal disruption to business operations. Develop and execute migration plan to transition applications and data from the legacy systems to the new technology environment.
Ongoing monitoring and optimization
Establish ongoing monitoring and maintenance processes to ensure continued performance and security of the modernized systems. Continuously evaluate the system's effectiveness and identify opportunities for further optimization and improvement.
We specialize in helping businesses modernize their systems and stay ahead of the curve.

Some deliverables at a glance

Modernized applications

Set of modernized applications that are more efficient, scalable, and secure than their predecessors.
Updated infrastructure
The project may involve upgrading or replacing the underlying infrastructure, such as servers, storage, or networking equipment.
Data migration
A detailed migration plan outlining the steps involved in moving data from the legacy systems to the new modernized environment.
Training and support materials
To ensure successful adoption of the modernized systems, training materials and support documentation will be developed.

Some example related services we offer

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Legacy system assessment
Comprehensive evaluation of existing systems to identify outdated components, inefficiencies, and potential risks.
Application modernization
Transformation of legacy applications to modern architectures and technologies, improving performance, scalability, and maintainability.
Cloud migration
Development and execution of a tailored cloud migration plan, considering factors such as cost-effectiveness, scalability, and security.
DevOps transformation
Implementation of DevOps practices to streamline development, testing, and deployment processes, accelerating time-to-market.
AI adoption
Integration of AI technologies to drive innovation, improve decision-making, and automate processes.
Technology roadmap development
Creation of a long-term technology roadmap outlining modernization goals, priorities, and investment strategies.
Solution architecture and design
Design a target technology architecture that aligns with your business goals and addresses identified pain points.

A diverse team of professionals from various disciplines

Our collective expertise allows us to provide comprehensive, innovative solutions tailored to your business needs. From planning to execution, we are committed to delivering excellence and driving success for our clients.


UX designers
UI designers
UX researchers
UX writers
Product designers


Software developers
Web developers
Website developers
Front End developers
Back End developers
Full stack developers
No code - Webflow developers
AI developers
Prompt engineers

Mobile developers

Mobile developers
Android developers
iOS developers
Cross-platform developers
Hybrid app developers

Cloud specialists

AWS DevOps
Cloud engineers
Cloud developers
Infrastructure developers


Project managers
Product managers
Quality assurance

Our work speaks through clients' success

Implementing the tool eliminated the need for manual data input, reducing possibilities of errors and making project tracking less time consuming. It also provided visibility of project allocation across the company, improving and simplifying the resource allocation process. Time savings, mistake reduction and improved visibility - this is exactly what our company needed!

Michał Zwoliński

PM Lead

We hired Freeport Metrics to migrate all of our historical information into a new custom software solution with automation capabilities to simplify our overall day-to-day processes and help us scale and grow. The team implemented an entirely custom web app. Their work included the overall design, development, and QA. One of the main challenges was taking around 100 historical forms and implementing them into the new web app. These are forms are a big part of our data-gathering and automation work, we use them with 2,500 hospitals and clinics daily .

Jeff Rogers

VP of Operations & Finance

Frequently asked questions

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Why is legacy systems modernization important?
Legacy systems modernization is crucial for businesses to remain competitive and adapt to changing market conditions. By modernizing their technology infrastructure, businesses can:
  • Improve efficiency and productivity: Modern systems are often faster, more reliable, and easier to use, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Enhance customer experience: Modern technology can enable businesses to deliver better products and services to their customers.
  • Reduce costs: Modernizing legacy systems can help to reduce operational costs and improve ROI.
  • Mitigate risks: Outdated systems may be vulnerable to security threats and compliance risks. Modernizing can help to mitigate these risks. Systems based on modern tech are easier to maintain and skilled specialists are much easier to find.
What are the common challenges associated with legacy systems modernization?
Some of the common challenges associated with legacy systems modernization include:
  • Cost: Modernizing legacy systems can be expensive, especially if extensive changes are required. However there more often than not is a positive business case for modernization with relatively short payback period and high ROI.
  • Complexity: Modernizing complex legacy systems can be technically challenging and time-consuming.
  • Disruption: Modernization projects can disrupt business operations if not carefully planned and executed.
  • Resistance to change: Employees may resist changes to familiar systems and processes.
The positive business case for technology modernization is usually deciding factor, so it is very important to find the right implementation partner to help addressing these and other risk.
How can software house / technology consulting such as Freeport Metrics help with legacy systems modernization?
We can provide a range of services to support legacy systems modernization projects, including:
  • Assessment and planning: Conducting a thorough assessment of existing systems, constructing a business case for modernization and developing a modernization roadmap.
  • Design and build: Designing new applications that can replace and extend existing ones, while improving user experience, efficiency and productivity and their implementation on modern platforms and technologies.
  • Migration: Assisting with the data migration from legacy systems to new platforms and technologies.
  • Integration: Ensuring seamless integration between new and existing systems.
  • Training and support: Providing training to employees on new systems and ongoing support to ensure successful adoption.
  • Risk mitigation and change management: Helping to address the risks of modernization and helping organization adopt new solutions.
What are the benefits of working with a software house / technology consulting such as Freeport Metrics for legacy systems modernization?
Software house / technology consulting such as Freeport Metrics can offer several benefits, such as:
  • Expertise and experience: We have the expertise and experience to successfully execute complex modernization projects.
  • Objectivity: An external partner can provide an objective perspective and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Risk mitigation: Experienced partner can help to mitigate risks associated with modernization projects.
  • Training and support: Providing training to employees on new systems and ongoing support to ensure successful adoption.
How do I choose the right software house for legacy systems modernization?
When selecting a software house for technology modernization, consider the following factors:
  • Expertise and experience: Look for a firm with a proven track record in modernization projects.
  • References and case studies: Ask for references from previous clients and review case studies to assess their capabilities.
  • Approach and methodology: Ensure the software house has a clear and structured approach to modernization projects.
  • Communication and collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are essential for a successful partnership.
  • Cost: As technology modernization project are usually medium to large and very large scale, it’s important to find a cost-effective partner.
What is the typical timeline for a legacy systems modernization project?
It is truly impossible to answer this question without even a short initial assessment. The timeline for a technology modernization project can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the specific needs of the business. However, many projects can be completed within 6-12 months, with some completed as quickly as in 3 months. Please contact us for free initial assessment of timeline and costs involved.
How can I measure the success of my legacy systems modernization project?
There are several ways to measure the success of a technology modernization project, including:
  • Improved efficiency and productivity: Measure increases in efficiency and productivity after the modernization project is completed.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Gather feedback from customers to assess the impact of the modernization project on their experience.
  • Reduced costs: Track changes in operational costs and identify cost savings resulting from the modernization project.
  • Improved security and compliance: Evaluate the impact of the modernization project on security and compliance posture.


Technical Team Lead,
Software Architect
Don't let outdated technology hold your business back. Let us help you modernize your systems and unlock your full potential.
We specialize in helping businesses modernize their systems and stay ahead of the curve.
Looking for a reliable partner? Let's talk about how we can help you.
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